Sharing experiences and best practices

While research organisations have never been exempted from export controls, for many years and in contrast by industry, the European research community was hardly part of the outreach by regulators and the research community itself did not proactively looked to be part of it. This has changed over the recent years. On the one hand regulators developed dedicated guidance material for academia, included more systematically the research community in stakeholder dialogue and invited academia to make use of learning for each others' best practices. On the other hand, some research actors became more vocal in fostering improvements to implementation of export controls with a focus on the scope of technology, basic scientific research, public domain and the collaborative nature of research.
EECARO was established at the end of 2022 by 5 Founding Member research organisations in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany to bring together knowledge and experiences and to engage with regulators to ensure a European level playing field.
Founding Members

EECARO works closely together with alike associations in other export control jurisdictions, in particular with the Association of University Export Control Officers (AUECO) in the United States of America and the Higher Education Export Controls Association (HEECA)in the United Kingdom.