Working Groups

Internal Compliance Programmes for research involving dual-use items

Chair: Quentin Michel (ULiège)

This Working Group is dedicated to reviewing the seven main elements of Internal Compliance Programmes identified by the EU compliance guidance for research involving dual-use items. These elements are crucial for ensuring that research institutions comply with regulations and maintain the highest standards of security and accountability.

Emerging Technologies - Business as usual?

Chairs: Johan Evers (imec) and Katleen Janssen (KU Leuven)

In 2024, the Working Group on Emerging Technologies discussed the EU Economic Security Strategy and its focus on risks for technology leakage in the prioritized emerging technology areas. The second meeting focused on the technical scope of national controls as the result of quasi-agreed proposals from the Wassenaar Arrangement.

Technical Assistance - Regulator expectations and compliance risks

Chairs: Branislav Aleksic (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) and Sabine van Gastel (TNO)

This Working Group focuses on the regulatory requirements related to Technical Assistance, such as  Art. 8  regulation 2021/821, sanction regulations (including the Iran and Russia sanctions), and national rules on technical assistance.